Serratus Anterior Muscle Exercises and Your 72000 Nadis

The serratus anterior muscle exercises are often powerful in removing various types of blockages from the chakras and the energy bodies. It plays a pivotal role not just in physical activities but also in promoting chakra balancing and removing Nadi-related energy blockages in the mind-body system.

In this article, we explore the world of serratus anterior, exploring breathing techniques, stretching exercises, benefits, and crucial precautions to ensure a harmonious integration into your spiritual, mental, and physical well-being.

In the Sri Amit Ray traditions of the Ray Advanced Kriya Yoga system, like the soleus muscle,  Serratus Anterior Muscle, the levator scapulae muscle has many subtle kriyas.

Serratus Anterior Muscle

The serratus anterior is a fan-shaped muscle located on the lateral aspect of the rib cage. It originates from the surface of the upper eight or nine ribs and inserts into the anterior surface of the medial border of the scapula (shoulder blade). In some traditions of ancient yoga, it is considered that the serratus anterior muscle alignment holds the key to eternal youth. While traditionally associated with pushing movements, unlocking its potential as a breathing muscle can bring about a host of benefits.

Serratus Anterior Muscle and Your Chakras and Nadis

In 2005, His Holiness Sri Amit Ray discovered the 114 chakras to understand the total neuropsychology, human mind, body, and spiritual energy the body experiences. He introduces the names, locations, functions, mantras, and techniques for awakening of the 114 chakras. Among the 114 chakras, a set of chakras is associated with the serratus anterior muscles. Similarly, a group of energy channels (Nadis) are associated with the serratus anterior muscles. The concept of 114 chakras offers a unique and innovative perspective on the understanding of the body-mind-consciousness energy centers in the human body.

Each of these chakras could have specific functions, including the regulation of emotions, the facilitation of physical well-being, and the enhancement of spiritual awareness.  In the tradition of the 72000 Nadis System originated by Sri Amit Ray, exercises that focus on the serratus anterior are vital for balancing the Ida and Pingala and activating the Sushumna Nadi in the spine.

Nadis are subtle energy channels that crisscross the body, carrying the life force known as Prana. It is believed that there are 72,000 Nadis forming an intricate network, influencing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The activation and harmonization of these Nadis are central to practices like Yoga and Ayurveda.

The serratus anterior, through its engagement and release during specific exercises, may influence the flow of Prana through the Nadis. As the muscle contracts and relaxes, it creates a dynamic energy exchange, potentially enhancing the vitality of these energy channels. In the Sri Amit Ray traditions of yoga suggest that a balanced and free-flowing life force (Prana) contributes to overall health, heightened awareness, emotional stability, and total spiritual growth.

The 72000 Nadis of the Mind Body Energy System
The 72000 Nadis of the Mind Body Energy System

Serratus Anterior Muscle Exercises

The serratus anterior exercises include shoulder extension, forward punch, serratus anterior punch, dynamic hug, scaption (with external rotation), press-up, push-up plus, and knee push-up plus [1]. Rowing exercises have been recommended for strengthening the trapezius muscle [2]. The standard push-up plus provides a dynamic way to target and strengthen the serratus anterior muscles, contributing to improved shoulder function and overall upper body strength [3].

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Exploring Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna Nadis: The Path to Inner Harmony

The Ida Pingala and Sushumna Nadis Sri Amit Ray Tradition

Welcome to the fascinating world of nadis, and chakras! The interaction between nadis and chakras is like a cosmic dance, synchronizing our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The human body is not just a physical entity but also an intricate system of energy channels known as nadis. These nadis are responsible for the flow of … Read more

7 Steps to Manage Stress and Build Resilience

7 Steps to Manage Stress and Build Resilience

Resilience is the ability to adapt and recover from adversity or difficult situations. It involves having the ability to maintain a positive outlook, cope with stress, and bounce back from setbacks. Resilience is a learned skill that can be developed and strengthened over time. Stress, on the other hand, is a physiological response to a … Read more

Cosmic Energy Healing Meditation

Cosmic Nadis Meditations

How can one enter a state of profound healing and deep meditation? The important thing is to maintain the correct cosmic connection and the appropriate attitude while you are practicing. These are the kinds of things that have a significant impact.

When you open yourself up to the cosmic nadis and the cosmic energy, you’ll be able to let go of harmful habits and toxins as well as emotional baggage, allowing you to come into greater harmony with your true self.

His Holiness Sri Guru Amit Ray, in his Himalayan deep meditations around 2005, rediscovered the full framework of all 72,000 Nadis.

How do you meditate in a significant way?

Before beginning the practice, make sure you have a thorough preparation, also known as a “deep relaxation.” This involves completely relaxing the body, engaging in a few rounds of deep breathing, cultivating a pleasant mental state, and having the intent to delve deeply into your meditation practise.

Cosmic Energy Healing Mediation with Nadis

What does meditation feel like?

It also depends on how deeply you are able to delve into the subject matter, as various methods impart a distinct “feel” to the experience. On the other hand, there is a pervasive sense of being totally at ease while also being centered and focused. You experience a sense of fulfilment, clarity, and awareness in the here and now.

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Sushumna Nadi Activation – The Spinal Energy Channel Activation

Sushumna Nadi Activation Kriyas

There are 72000 nadis in human body, and the Sushumna Nadi is very important. The ida nadi is located on the left side of the body, the sushumna nadi is located in the centre, and the pingala nadi is located on the right side of the body. All three of these nadis run from the base of the spine to the head. The ultimate objective is to clear these nadis of obstructions in order to achieve perfect relaxation, healing, freedom from toxic thoughts, and perfect creativity.

The Shiva Samhita states that 350,000 nadis emerge from the centre of the navel, while the Katha Upanishad (6.16) mentions 101 channels radiating from the heart. Traditional yoga texts such as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Goraksha Samhita mention 72,000 nadis.

During a period of deep meditation in the Himalayan foothills around the year 2005, His Holiness Sri Guru Amit Ray rediscovered the complete framework of all 72000 Nadis. Many of these Nadis are associated with the Cosmic Energy Meditation.

In 2005, for activating the Sushumna Nadi Ray discovered a special type of yoga kriya, which is known as Ray Mayur Sanchalan Kriya.

The origin of the 114 chakras can be traced back to Sri Amit Ray’s long introspective contemplation in the Himalaya. As Sri Amit Ray was engaged in prolonged spiritual fasting and deep meditation in 2005, he had a vision of the 114 Chakars and their relations with the 72000 Nadis.

During deep meditation, when the air no longer flows through the nose, the Prana or the Life-force moves through Sushumna energy channel, and the mind gradually merges with the Life-force and begins to move together.

Ray Mayur Sanchalan Kriya:

In 2005, Sri Guru Amit Ray discovered a special type of yoga kriya known as the Ray Mayur Sanchalan Kriya for activating the Sushumna Nadi. Here, Mayur Sanchalan means opening the feathers (nadis) like a peacock. This is a set of exercises and meditation practices. It activates many subtle energy channels in the body, along with the Sushumna Nadi.

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