Levator Scapulae Neck Muscle Exercises and Your 72000 Nadis

The levator scapulae muscle exercises are often powerful in removing various types of blockages from the chakras and the energy bodies. It plays a pivotal role not just in physical activities but also in promoting chakra balancing and removing Nadi-related energy blockages in the mind-body system. In this article, we explore the anatomy and functions … Read more

Pranayama According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Suryabhedana Pranayama: | Ujjayi Pranayama: | Sitkari Pranayama: | Sitali Pranayama: | Bhastrika Pranayama: | Bhramari Pranayama: | Murcha Pranayama: | Plavini Pranayama: | Harnessing the Benefits of the 8 Pranayama | Precautions and Guidance for Pranayama Practice | Conclusion: | In the celestial domain of ancient wisdom, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika reveals the mystic … Read more

Plavini Pranayama (Floating Breath): Steps, Benefits, and Precautions

Plavini Pranayama (Floating Breath)

The word “Plavini” refers to something that floats or remains afloat. In the context of pranayama, it signifies the ability to create a floating or buoyant sensation within oneself through the breath.  “Pranayama” is a compound word consisting of “prana” and “ayama.” “Prana” represents the life force energy or vital energy that permeates all living … Read more

Exploring Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna Nadis: The Path to Inner Harmony

The Ida Pingala and Sushumna Nadis Sri Amit Ray Tradition

Welcome to the fascinating world of nadis, and chakras! The interaction between nadis and chakras is like a cosmic dance, synchronizing our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The human body is not just a physical entity but also an intricate system of energy channels known as nadis. These nadis are responsible for the flow of … Read more